Make it so that we can use discord

You should make it so there is a link to a Discord server so that people can chat in real time.

We are actually looking at a Discord Plugin that will plug into the forums and provide a sort of bi-directional interface. Sort of. I haven't really taken a deep look at it yet.

Once things start moving a long a little further we'lls tart looking at adding plug-ins that cost.
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The discord integration has been completed. The forums can now manage the discord presence of associated accounts.

This is done by following these steps:
  • Click your AVATAR/IMAGE (located top right of page)
  • Select CONNECTED ACCOUNTS from the options
  • Login to Discord web app / local app and follow instructions
Why is this recommended?
As your status and access on the forums change (especially if you are a registered forum user about to join the Org, this will automatically adjust your apprioriate discord levels when your application has been approved. Everything will just turn on and then turn up.

If you have any questions/issues please message @MasonGrimm
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