CitizenCon 2954 Digital Goodies Pack released - $30


Board of Directors
Staff Officer
Oct 24, 2023
RSI Handle

CitizenCon 2954 Digital Goodies Pack Now Available!​

CitizenCon 2954 is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than aboard an active-duty RSI Bengal! This year, the UEE is opening its doors to citizens from across the 'verse, inviting you to step onto its iconic vessel in-person for a weekend packed with presentations, activities, giveaways, cosplay, and so much more.

Why is the UEE hosting this year’s event? It all ties back to the celebration of Citizen Day, which you can learn all about on the Galactapedia.

Can’t make it to Manchester for the main event? No worries—you can still join the fun! We’re excited to bring back the Digital Goodies Pack, filled with exclusive content to get you into the CitizenCon spirit.

This year's pack includes all the digital items that come with a CitizenCon 2954 ticket, with two of them being revealed and developed live during the event!

CitizenCon 2954 Digital Goodies Pack:
  • CitizenCon 2954 Trophy (Developed live at CitizenCon)
  • CitizenCon 2954 Challenge Coin
  • [REDACTED] Item 1 (Developed live at CitizenCon)
  • [REDACTED] Item 2 (Developed live at CitizenCon)
  • CitizenCon 2954 Themed Storage Chest
  • OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Armored Flight Suit
  • OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Helmet
  • P8-AR "CitizenCon 2954" Rifle (Single Fire)
  • P8-AR "Blackguard" Rifle (Single Fire)
  • CitizenCon 2954 Themed Double Bed
  • UEE Black Box
  • CitizenCon 2954 Themed Spectrum Badge

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